Biden In Trouble with Who Now?

Joe Biden

( – President Joe Biden’s frustrating voter support, evidenced by his “moribund poll numbers,” is increasingly landing him in trouble with Democrat US Senators worrying about the 2024 election.

At the same time, though, while Senate Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s voter support, they also believe there is hardly anything the White House could do in terms of new messages to reverse the situation, according to a report by The Hill news outlet.

The article points out that those Democrat lawmakers recognize the 80-year-old president’s advanced age as his “biggest problem,” which is killing leftist voters’ enthusiasm for Biden’s reelection bid.

“You got to be concerned about those poll numbers, you just do. There’s plenty of time to get them back up. Whether he can or not, I just don’t know but you got to be concerned,” commented Senator Jon Tester (D-MT).

The report quotes another Democrat US senator, who preferred not to be named, as revealing that his voters exhibited “deep apathy” about the president’s reelection prospects – and that is reflected in polling data.

“There’s just no enthusiasm. It does pretty much come down to ‘Well, he’s done a pretty good job, but he’s just too old,’” the senator declared.

An August poll by CNN and SSRS found 39% of US adults approved of Biden’s job performance, while 67% of pro-left voters said they wanted someone else to become the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential nominee.

Another Democrat US senator interviewed by The Hill, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), believes that the White House’s messages on the economy and “Bidenomics” didn’t hold much promise of success among voters.

“There’s work to be done, stronger messaging, more aggressive campaigning, but we’re still very, very early,” Blumenthal said regarding the president’s “weak poll numbers.”

“The president is always a factor, but I don’t think it’s a factor that’s going to make much of a difference for me. We tend to do our own thing,” he added, which The Hill interpreted as a suggestion the lawmaker would distance himself from Biden in 2024.

The Connecticut senator also made clear his understanding that the next presidential election would be a very tough battle.

“This election is going to be a fight. No question, it’s going to be a fight, and we need to be prepared,” the high-profile Democrat concluded.