McConnell: ‘He’s Earned the Nomination’

( – Despite their conflicts over the past three years, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has now reaffirmed his support for former President Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential nomination of the Republican Party.

The veteran senator has dismissed any lingering tension from their frosty relationship as Trump prepares to convene with GOP legislators, Politico reports.

McConnell, who will relinquish his role as the senior Republican in the Senate at year’s end, confirmed his attendance at Thursday’s meeting, asserting his consistent alignment with Trump.

“I said three years ago, right after the Capitol was attacked, that I will support our nominee regardless of who it was, including him,” McConnell stated to the press on Wednesday.

“I said earlier this year I supported him. He’s earned the nomination by the voters all across the country. Of course I’ll be in the meeting tomorrow,” he added.

The pro-left news outlet Politico points out that these comments from McConnell suggest a conciliatory gesture toward Trump, whose success in the upcoming presidential race is crucial not only for securing the White House for the Republicans but also for achieving a substantial majority in both legislative chambers next year.

Although most Republican senators plan to participate, Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, who have not endorsed Trump, indicated they have prior commitments that will prevent them from attending the meeting.

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