Kristi to Trump: Pick a Woman (Video)

( – One of the prospective running mate picks for Donald Trump, South Dakota’s GOP Governor Kristi Noem, has suggested that the former president might gain an advantage by selecting a female vice-presidential candidate.

See the video of Governor Noem’s interview below!

“I think that that would be beneficial, according to the polling that I’ve seen for him and a lot of swing states, is that having a woman that is helping his campaign makes a difference,” she stated during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Noem emphasized the positive impact indicated by polling data in crucial battleground states.

“All the polls tell him in the swing states that a woman on the ticket helps him win,” she added, cited by The Hill.

She further elaborated on the diverse concerns of female Republican voters.

“One in four Republican women haven’t made up their minds because they want to have a woman talking to them about the issues they care about. And women aren’t monolithic. They don’t care about just one issue.”

Noem highlighted multiple areas of interest including healthcare, children’s welfare, future opportunities, business, and career prospects which, according to her, are currently under threat.

“They care about health care; they care about their children; they care about their futures. They care about having an opportunity to have a business and to have a career. And all of that is being threatened [under] Joe Biden, but yes, the women vote is extremely important,” she added.

Although Trump has not yet announced his choice of running mate, he has initiated the vetting process for several candidates, including North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and Senators Marco Rubio (Florida), Tim Scott (South Carolina), and JD Vance (Ohio), as confirmed by a source to The Hill.

ABC News additionally reported that materials were also sent to Representative Byron Donalds (Florida), Representative Elise Stefanik (New York), and Ben Carson, although the extent of their receipt is uncertain.

When queried by co-host Dana Bash about her current status in the vice-presidential consideration process, Noem did not confirm her position but reiterated her unwavering support for Trump.

“I told President Trump over and over again, he needs to pick whoever helps him win. I have been loyal to him since the very beginning when he first started to run in 2016,” she declared.

Noem articulated the qualities Trump seeks in a vice-presidential candidate, emphasizing governance readiness, loyalty, experience, and alignment with his policies.

“He told me his priority is picking a running mate that can govern on day one, that has been loyal to him, that has experience and runs businesses, knows how to be a CEO, but also supports him in his policies. I don’t care. I love my job in South Dakota. I care about the fact that I want him to win, and he knows that I will do that,” she concluded.

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