Mitch McConnell On Biden’s Team?

( – The top Republican in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, has come to Joe Biden’s aid by asking House Republicans not to impeach the Democrat president.

81-year-old McConnell (R-KY), who has recently suffered several embarrassing incidents on camera, including freezing up for 30 seconds during a press conference, took Biden’s side in an interview for the leftist newspaper The New York Times.

The Senate Minority Leader declared the GOP shouldn’t emulate the Democrats’ “impeachment style” from two years back when they impeached then-President Donald Trump “on dubious charges,” Breitbart News reports.

“I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path, it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing,” McConnell stated.

“Impeachment ought to be rare. This is not good for the country,” he argued.

House GOP calls for impeaching Biden have been intensifying over growing revelations about the president’s alleged involvement in his son Hunter’s corruption schemes with foreign figures connected with the likes of the regimes of Communist China and Putin’s Russia.

“I think there’s enough proof out there that this Biden family needs to come forward and show there wasn’t a pay-to-play,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said recently, signaling he was prepared to launch impeachment proceedings.

“[Impeachment] empowers Congress, Republicans and Democrats of their committee, to be able to get the information if somebody fights from providing it to them,” he added.

His Democrat predecessor, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who spearheaded the two impeachments against Trump, recently said the Republicans were using potential inquiries to divert Americans’ attention from Biden’s economic achievements.

“This is a diversionary tactic. They just can’t stand the fact that we had a job report of over nearly 200,000 jobs today, that unemployment is 3.5 percent, 18 straight months of unemployment being under 4 percent. We’re talking about 13.4 million jobs created with Joe Biden in the White House, and working with the congressional Democrats,” Pelosi told MSNBC.

“They have to change the subject. And they have nothing to offer the American people in terms of jobs and the rest. They talk about it, but then they change the subject when it’s time to deliver. I’m so proud of the Democrats in the Congress,” she claimed.