Sen. Tim Scott Hints at Next Job

( – Discussing the possibility of taking up a new role this summer, Senator Tim Scott hinted strongly that he might be in the running to become former President Donald Trump’s vice-presidential candidate.

“I hear there’s a debate in July,” Scott said to host Eric Bolling. “If you’re the guy moderating, maybe I’ll be talking to you. We’ll see what happens.”

When Bolling asked if he would be Trump’s running mate, Scott laughed and replied, “We’ll see, we’ll see.”

The conversation about debates comes as Joe Biden and Donald Trump have confirmed their participation in two presidential debates, one on June 27 and another on September 10.

Scott, who has consistently been named as a potential VP pick for Trump, has reportedly been building his rapport with the former president in hopes of being chosen.

According to one source, Scott is “doing everything he can to build his relationship with Donald Trump in an attempt to get picked as VP.”

The GOP nominee has indicated he will announce his vice-presidential choice around the Republican National Convention, which is scheduled for July 15-18 in Milwaukee. He has expressed admiration for several potential candidates, including Scott.

At a recent gathering at Mar-a-Lago, Trump reportedly told his supporters that the field of potential running mates was quite broad, mentioning there were 50 candidates under consideration.

Moreover, Scott previously sought the 2024 presidential nomination before withdrawing last November and has often been commended by Trump. “He’s a much better representative for me than he is a representative for himself,” Trump praised at a South Carolina rally earlier this year.

Seen as a loyal supporter of Trump, Scott fits the ideal profile for a running mate—one who supports the former president wholeheartedly without overshadowing him.

Additionally, Scott has launched a weekly video series titled “America’s Starting Five” alongside the other four black Republicans in Congress.

This series aims to deliver the GOP’s message to African American voters in preparation for the November 5 election.

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